The Laura Mitchell Method of Relaxation
Do each exercise twice very slowly, counting for four seconds as tension is exerted in the muscles. Can be done, sitting in a chair, standing, or lying in bed.
- Pull your shoulders down towards your feet. Hold tension for four seconds and then release.
- Move your elbows away from your side, let them fall and relax.
- Stretch your fingers wide apart.
- Tighten buttock muscles so that the knees go outwards.
- Ensure the legs are not straight. Open (60 degree) angle behind knee
- Point the toes, then release. Wiggle toes to and fro to ensure no cramping occurs.
- Push yourself into the support. Release.
- Push your head into the headrest(or cupped hands).
- Breath using the diaphragm. Push tummy out as you breathe in. Four seconds in and hold for four seconds then breathe out for four seconds. Do four times.
- Drag the jaw downwards; silent scream.
- Press the tongue down in the mouth, or poke out and silent scream.
- Close the eyes lightly and look through the eye lids at the red/black colour and count to four slowly. Repeat.
- Keep eyes closed. Run fingers hard over scalp from front to back. With this sensation, imagine a smoothing waves going from front to back of the head.
- With eyes still closed imagine a calm place and put yourself in a deck chair in the scene. Meditate on that scene.
SHORT VERSION; the Lion in yoga, or the physiological aspect of the Haka in the South Pacific.
Remember that you should never drive away in a car after work without doing this sort of exercise first to ensure that neck/jaw tension is not creating tunnel vision for you.